HomeLifestyleThe 10 Biggest Secrets You Didn't Know About Weight Loss

The 10 Biggest Secrets You Didn’t Know About Weight Loss


Every year starts the same, with a promise of losing weight. This often feels impossible to achieve. Weight loss is a struggle many faces due to not following the correct meal plans. Some diets just don’t work. They might work for a month or two but could cause damage to your health in the long run. Take a look at a few secrets that you didn’t know about weight loss, and let your healthy weight loss journey begin!

Healthy Weight Loss and the Diet for it

No matter which diet you follow, they all claim to hold all the answers to quick and easy weight loss but forget to mention that the lost weight sometimes finds its way back. There are diets that claim to eat less, and exercising more is the way to go. Others believe that low fat is how you’ll succeed, and then the most common dietary advice is to cut out carbs. What do you think works?

Here’s the bummer. Healthy weight loss doesn’t have a “one size fits all” program. What works for your friend in the weight loss department might not work for you because our bodies are all unique, and each responds differently to varieties of food. This is all depending on genetics and other health factors. So when you’re looking for a weight loss program that works for you, you’ll need patience. You’ll most likely have to try more than one meal program to see what foods work well with your body.

weight loss

Some people can count calories and restrict diets without it becoming a problem. It is, however, not a healthy way of losing weight. Restricting diets and counting calories can lead to eating disorders and malnourishment. It’s important to not get discouraged when a certain diet doesn’t work for you. Some diets are designed for you to lose weight quickly for short amounts of time. This means that you’ll regain all your weight within a few months after the diet has stopped.

Long term diets aren’t safe either. You cannot restrict your body from the necessary nutrients for that long. It is recommended that following a healthy meal plan is safer than a restrictive fad diet. So, if you’re interested in losing weight and keeping it lost, keep your eyes on this article. The answers are on their way.

Emotional Eating and Weight Gain

It is no secret that some of our strongest food cravings happen when we’re emotionally vulnerable. Turning to food for comfort can either be a conscious or unconscious decision. For example, you might eat out of boredom or when you begin to feel stressed or overwhelmed. Emotional eating is known as the enemy of weight loss. It is no secret that emotional eating leads to overeating, leading to unhealthy weight gain. Excessive amounts of high-calorie, sweet and fatty foods are the most common comfort foods. They are also the biggest contributors to unhealthy weight gain and other underlying health conditions in large amounts.

There is, however, good news for the emotional eaters. You can gain control again! Of course, it will take time and commitment, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to get back on track (Even if it should be with some struggles) with your weight loss goals.

Getting Back on Track

Fight back against emotional eating with these easy steps:

  • Get your stress under control: Practicing stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can be particularly helpful if your stress leads to emotional eating. Manage your stress, and you’ll manage your eating.
  • Are you really hungry: We call this a hunger reality check? Is the hunger you’re experiencing physical or emotional? If you recently ate and your stomach isn’t rumbling, you’re probably not hungry. Drink some water and allow for the craving to pass.
  • Have a support system: You won’t feel the urge to eat your emotions anymore with a great support system. Talking about what’s bothering you will stop your emotions from getting bottled up, causing emotional eating.
  • Fight your boredom: Eating out of boredom is a common reaction. Fight this boredom by taking a walk or doing an activity instead. The moment you have nothing to do, find something to do that isn’t eating.
  • Keep the treats: This may sound odd, but its reasoning makes sense. If you deprive yourself of treats and snacks for long periods of time, your cravings could become worse and more intense. The goal is to control your eating, not stop it completely. Rewarding yourself with the occasional snack won’t hurt. On the contrary, it’s recommended.

The 10 Secret Things About Weight Loss

1. Tea is Just as Good as Water

The smoothies you drink as meal replacements don’t cover your daily required water intake of 64 ounces. Some of this water can come from fruits and vegetables and tea! Don’t replace your water intake with tea, but you can substitute glass for a cup here and there. Beware of adding too many sugars and creamers as it can quickly turn your healthy beverage into an unhealthy one.

2. The 80/20 Rule Works

The 80/20 rule has been proven effective. This is when you eat healthy 80% of the time and give in to temptation the other 20%. This eating habit can become a lifestyle that can be maintained forever. You’ll need to eat fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats 80% of the time and cut down on sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. Then, you get to enjoy a glass of wine with your favorite chocolates or french fries 20% of the time.

3. Don’t Starve Yourself

Skipping meals is a negative approach to weight loss. If you regularly skip meals, eventually, you’ll become so hungry that you’ll eat the first thing you set your eyes on, healthy or not. You also carry the risk of eating too fast, causing you to overeat. It’s best to acknowledge your hunger and have a smoothie or high-fiber snack.

4. Eat Fibre Rich Foods

Ensuring you are eating at least 30 grams of fiber each day will definitely kick start your weight loss. This research-based technique has proven to be more successful for long term weight loss.

5. Walk it off

Your eating habits might have the majority of the influence on your weight loss, but exercise is just as important. Being physically active metabolises your food more efficiently. This will positively affect your weight loss.

Walk it off

6. Pack a Lunch

Packing your own lunch will help you avoid the temptations that come with purchased lunches. You’ll also be able to ensure that your lunch is healthy, with no unnecessary oils and fats.

7. Take it Topless

You read that right. Take the top off your sandwich! This way, you’ll instantly cut 70 to 120 calories each time without even noticing. You can create a tower of nutritious toppings on your open-faced sandwich, and let’s be honest. It looks fancier too!

8. Choose a Kids Meal

You should not deprive yourself of that juicy Mcdonald’s burger and fries when the craving hits. Just choose a kiddie’s meal. By doing this, you’re not only satisfying your craving but doing so without losing the progress that you’ve made.

9. Canned Fish Above Catch Fish

Canned tuna and salmon contain loads of brain-healthy omega-3 fats. Light tuna contains fewer calories and sodium, but the best-canned fish is salmon. Keeping your pantry stocked with canned fish will ensure you always have a healthy snack on hand.

10. Mushrooms Over Meat

Research suggests that by substituting your hamburger for mushrooms just once a week, you’ll save on more than 20,000 calories and about 1,500 grams of fat over the course of a year without really doing anything.

11. Health before Hamburgers

Emotional eating is one of the leading causes of weight gain. By getting your emotions under control and following the ten secrets mentioned above, you’ll successfully maintain long-term weight loss. You’ll finally be able to forget about weight loss new year’s resolutions, as you’ll already be the weight you need to be.


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