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5 Marketing Channels Every Home Builder Should Consider


With the rise of technology, it is no surprise that millennials are turning to digital platforms for their home-buying journey.

According to a recent study, nearly 40% of millennials feel comfortable purchasing a home online, and close to 60% would buy a house without seeing it in person if they received a virtual tour.

For this reason, home builders must utilize modern marketing channels to reach potential buyers.

Here, we’ll walk you through five of the best channels to consider.

5 Marketing Channels for Home Builders That Drive Leads

There are many marketing channels available to home builders, from online campaigns to traditional methods.

Here are five of the top strategies suggested for home builders:

1. Create a Fully Optimized Website

Your website is your home base. It is the first place potential buyers will go to learn more about your services and offerings.

Your website design should be easy to navigate and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Ensure to include descriptions of the services offered, photos of completed projects, and contact information.

You should also incorporate SEO tactics into your website to help it rank higher in search engine results.

This includes adding content related to home building, optimizing your pages with well-researched keywords, and writing meta descriptions for each page.

Keep in mind that the results of SEO efforts take time to show, but they will pay off in the long run.

Get Listed on Top Lead-gen Sites

Lead-generating sites are an important marketing channel for home builders.

These sites typically feature detailed listings of homes for sale and offer potential buyers additional information about the listing, such as aerial views, 3D tours, and neighborhood data.

When creating your listings on lead-gen sites, include accurate descriptions and clear, high-quality photos and videos.

This will help potential buyers better envision themselves living in the home, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Leverage Successful Projects and Customer Testimonials

One of the best marketing strategies for home builders is to showcase successful projects and customer testimonials on their websites.

Detailed descriptions of your projects will help potential customers understand the quality of your work.

Including photos and videos of completed projects can also provide a great visual for customers to see firsthand.

Sharing testimonials from previous customers is another effective way to demonstrate customer satisfaction with your work.

Ask happy clients if they would be willing to write a review about your services.

You can then feature these reviews on your website and social media accounts to attract more potential customers.

Offer Pre-construction Renderings to Gain Traction

Creating pre-construction renderings of a new property can help you generate interest before the home is even built.

This content can be a great asset for your marketing campaigns, as potential buyers can envision the final product and make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase it.

You can share pre-construction renderings on your website and social media, as well as in email campaigns.

You may also run search engines or social media ads to extend your reach further.

Run Google Pay-per-click (PPC) Ad Campaigns

Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad campaigns can be an effective way to generate leads for home builders.

PPC ads are displayed at the top of search engine results and allow users to take direct action, such as visiting a website or making a purchase.

When creating your campaigns, focus on targeting keywords related to home building, such as “custom home builders” or “affordable housing.”

You should also test different ad copy and call-to-actions to determine which ones perform best.

Once your campaigns are live, you can use Google Analytics to analyze the performance of your ads and make adjustments accordingly.

This will help you ensure that your campaigns are optimized for success and generate the highest ROI possible.

Key Takeaways

When it comes to service providers like home builders, it’s essential to use a variety of marketing channels to reach potential buyers.

The five top strategies that every home builder should consider are:

  • Optimizing their website and leveraging SEO tactics as your website is a key marketing tool.
  • Getting listed on lead-generating sites to help potential buyers find your homes.
  • Highlighting successful projects and customer testimonials to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Offering pre-construction renderings of new properties to generate interest.
  • Running Google PPC ad campaigns to reach potential buyers further along in the buying cycle.


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