HomeBusinessMeta Managers Are Urged to Identify, Push Out Low Performers

Meta Managers Are Urged to Identify, Push Out Low Performers



META -4.68%

Platforms Inc.’s head of engineering told his managers to identify and report low performers so they could force those employees out of the company, in the latest sign of belt-tightening at the social-media giant.

“Every manager needs to think about each person on their team and the value they are adding to Meta,” wrote

Maher Saba,

Meta’s head of remote presence and engineering, in a post published Friday in an engineering managers-only group within the company’s internal social network.

“If a direct report is coasting or a low performer, they are not who we need; they are failing this company,” Mr. Saba wrote. “As a manager, you cannot allow someone to be net neutral or negative for Meta.”

The memo was previously reported by The Information. A Meta spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the memo, Mr. Saba asks managers to “identify anyone who ’needs support’” and submit them through a company performance tool by the end of the workday on Monday.

“Understand our high performance bar and hold your team accountable,” Mr. Saba wrote. “Identify people who need support early, partner with our Employee Relations team to get that support, and move to exit people who are unable to get on track.”

The memo is the most specific plan outlined by the company since Chief Executive

Mark Zuckerberg

last month told employees that Meta would be weeding out employees who are unable to meet the company’s more aggressive goals, according to a report by Reuters.

“Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here,” Mr. Zuckerberg said, according to the report.

In the memo, Mr. Saba also asks engineering managers to make sure their teams operate with urgency and that they “set ambitious yet achievable goals.”

“It’s your job as a manager to make sure your team operates with the intensity needed for Meta’s success,” Mr. Saba wrote.

With fear of a recession looming, executives from high-profile tech companies have announced plans to slow hiring or cut jobs, and are in some cases warning employees to brace themselves for tougher times.

Twitter Inc.

on Thursday said it laid off 30% of its talent acquisition team, adding to a string of layoffs by tech companies.

Tesla Inc.

late last month laid off about 200 people after earlier saying it would cut 10% of salaried staff—though Chief Executive

Elon Musk

also said last month that total head count, including blue-collar workers, would likely increase over the next 12 months. And

Netflix Inc.

cut about 3% of its workforce as it deals with a loss in subscribers.

Amazon.com Inc.

also has looked to pare hiring in some areas, and videogame companies including

Unity Software Inc.


GameStop Corp.

have recently shed staff.

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Appeared in the July 12, 2022, print edition as ‘Meta Engineering Manager Urges Aides To Identify, Report Low-Level Performers.’


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